Mantra issue #14 , page 19--Malibu Comics
Here's a page from Malibu Comic's 1994 Mantra series, starring the sexy, sultry sorceress of the same name. This page is a one of a kind, original art pieces ,that the comic book was printed from. Art area is 11 1/4" X 16 3/4", (on a 12" X 18" piece of white two-ply bristol board, preprinted with non-photo blue Malibu margin grids) hand-drawn with pencil, pen and brush, finished in india ink. All were penciled by Mark Heike ( Best known for his long run as illustrator/editor on AC Comics, drawing such features as Femforce, Nightveil, Ms. Victory, etc., as well as working on features like Star Wars, Xena, Warrior Princess, Star Trek, Lady Justice, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Magneto and Wolverine.) and inked by either Larry Welch , Ken Branch or Jim Amash. Mantra was, of course one of the first big "good girl art" female glamour heroines to come out of the great independant comics explosion of the early '90s, and was one of the flagship characters of the Malibu Ultraverse. These lovely examples of pin-up style comic art showcase Mantra in both her standard costume, and the temporary "techno armor" she wore for a short time, show her brandishing her deadly weapon, the "Sword of Fans"